We are a Landscaping & Gardening Company

tree and shrub care

Here's what your trees and shrubs do for you

  • Increase the value of your property
  • Add to the beauty of your home
  • Provide shade and shelter
  • Reduce noise
  • Enhance privacy
  • Improve air quality

So what have you done for your trees and shrubs lately?

Maybe you provide the occasional watering and from time to time you might do a little pruning. Maybe you've even fertilized once or twice. But if you're like most people, that's about all. And frankly, it's not enough. But we understand. And besides...tree and shrub care is not for everyone. It requires technical knowledge as well as specialized products and equipment. Because these fertilizers utilize sulfur-coated urea technology, they release nutrients over an extended period of time.

Trees and ornamental shrubs are used to form a solid foundation for your landscape. Some of the old style designers used only trees and shrubs with wonderful results. We’ve seen many homes that have no turf or herbaceous perennials and they’re beautiful. We can help keep your trees and shrubs healthy and at their peak aesthetic value year after year. Renovating overgrown landscapes is one of our specialties.

Timely Fertilization with fertilizers keeps ornamentals healthy and growing and lessens the probability of disease and insect problems. We'll evaluate the plants on your property and determine how best to provide the nutrients you need. Fertilization is underutilized on most properties. Trees and shrubs often have their nutrients depleted simply by raking away the leaves that fall each autumn. In a forest this mat of leaves would break down into nutrients that they can use. This is not tolerated in our modern day landscape and the nutrients need to be replaced. To accomplish this we offer a deep root fertilization service for trees and shrubs. In recent years, humates and biostimulants have come onto the market an are added to the mix. These products are found in the natural forest floor and seem to really make a big difference in the efficacy of injected fertilizers.

Diseases and insects can be controlled whenever we detect or see a history of a problem. We keep our eyes open for the first sign of trouble, but do not treat unless there truly is a need. A “pest” is defined as something that is a nuisance or unwanted. In the horticulture field pests may be injurious to plants. These include disease [viral, fungal and bacterial], weeds, insects, mites and a variety of animals. Pests left unmanaged can destroy a landscape in a short period of time. We offer a management program that will monitor your property for pests and treat in the most appropriate, environmentally sensitive manner. This may include physical removal of the pest, biological controls, organic treatment, and when necessary, chemical sprays.

Proper pruning on a regular basis is so important and an essential part of tree and shrub care. Without timely pruning, plants will soon outgrow their environment and have to be removed or replace which can be very costly. Each plant is specific in its pruning needs and all will respond differently due to unique characteristics. Without proper pruning, plants may become overgrown and unsightly pieces in your landscape. On a regular basis we get calls about landscapes that have overgrown a site. This is almost always caused by one of two things, inadequate spacing at installation or much more commonly by poor pruning--- often times by unskilled landscape contractors. Pruning is a form of wounding. Improperly made cuts are unable to heal correctly and will often time leave a wound where disease or insects can harm the plant more easily.

Increased awareness of potentially damaging or dangerous situations like dead branches or above-round roots is another benefit of hiring a professional. We'll let you know if we see anything out of the ordinary.

Except where a history of a problem dictates, we do not do routine “calendar sprays”. This type of treatment does not discriminate between microorganisms and insects that are beneficial and those that are injurious to plants.