We are a Landscaping & Gardening Company

watering your lawn

It's all about teamwork

When it comes to taking care of your lawn, one of the most important maintenance practices is also one of the most basic. Watering. As the company responsible for maintaining your lawn, you can count on us to apply the correct fertilizer and control products in the right quantities and at the appropriate time of year. But we must count on you for proper watering. We have to function as a team.

When we make an application to your lawn, please read the information we leave behind. It will highlight what should be done to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment. For example, some applications should be watered in right away, while others should not be watered for at least a day. The only way you'll know what's right is to read our instructions.

Here are some general guidelines


Your lawn should receive roughly 1 to 1 ½ inches of water per week during the hottest, driest months. Deep watering to a soil depth of at least six inches is recommended. Light waterings that merely dampen the grass are of little benefit and can actually harm your lawn. Place an empty coffee can or bucket on your lawn to determine how long it takes to apply 1 to 1 ½ inches of water.

Best time

Very early morning watering is ideal. Watering during the middle of the day, when the weather tends to be the hottest and driest, can waste water due to excessive evaporation. Evening watering tends to promote disease problems. Keep in mind, the key to efficient watering is to give your lawn enough moisture to reach the deep roots of the grass plants.

A couple more tips

During the summer months, it's a good ideas to water your lawn the day before you mow an then try to mow during the coolest part of the day. This minimizes the browning effect of summer mowing and decreases the time it takes the turf to heal. Mow your lawn as it needs it. Never remove more than one-third of the lead blade at any one time. And, by all means, keep the mower blade sharpened! This is very important because it means you are actually cutting the blade of grass, not merely ripping and shredding them.